Room: 503
Didactics Assistant Professor
Sieci bezprzewodowe lab
Sieci bezprzewodowe wyk
Systemy operacyjne lab
Certyfikacja w cyberbezpieczeństwie cw
Certyfikacja w cyberbezpieczeństwie wyk
PhD Eng
Piotr Dobosz
Papers (7)
2019 (1)
Cierniak R., Dobosz P., Grzybowski A., EM-ML algorithm based on continuous-to-continuous model for PET. (0)
EM-ML algorithm based on continuous-to-continuous model for PET
, EM-ML algorithm based on continuous-to-continuous model for PET, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11072, 11072, 2019, Cites: 02018 (1)
Cierniak R., Dobosz P., Pluta P., Filutowicz P., Analytical realization of the EM algorithm for emission positron tomography. (0)
Analytical realization of the EM algorithm for emission positron tomography
, Analytical realization of the EM algorithm for emission positron tomography, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10842 LNAI, 10842 LNAI, 127-136, 2018, Cites: 02015 (1)
Knop M., Dobosz P., Neural Video Compression Algorithm. (5)
Neural Video Compression Algorithm
, Neural Video Compression Algorithm, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 313 AISC, 313 AISC, 59-66, 2015, Cites: 52014 (2)
Dobosz P., Cierniak R., Using of EM algorithm to image reconstruction problem with tomography noises. (0)
Using of EM algorithm to image reconstruction problem with tomography noises
, Using of EM algorithm to image reconstruction problem with tomography noises, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 233, 233, 37-43, 2014, Cites: 0
Lorent A., Cierniak R., Dobosz P., Rebrova O., A new image reconstruction from projections algorithm. (1)
A new image reconstruction from projections algorithm
, A new image reconstruction from projections algorithm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8467 LNAI, 8467 LNAI, 725-732, 2014, Cites: 12013 (1)
Lorent A., Knas M., Dobosz P., Neuronal model-based image reconstruction from projections method. (0)
Neuronal model-based image reconstruction from projections method
, Neuronal model-based image reconstruction from projections method, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7894 LNAI, 7894 LNAI, 580-587, 2013, Cites: 02012 (1)
Dobosz P., An analytical approach to the image reconstruction problem using em algorithm. (1)