Main page of the project

New perspectives on intelligent multimedia management with applications in medicine and privacy protecting systems

The project "New perspectives on intelligent multimedia management with applications in medicine and privacy protecting systems" is intended to develop fast methods for processing and search of multimedia data in the databases of a very large number of records and implementation of these methods in relational database environment. The proposed set of solutions will enhance security for storage of confidential and sensitive (e.g. biometrics) data, and communications related to it. Realization of the objectives of the project, extremely important from the point of view of the EU, including the software implementation, requires addressing important and challenging research problems. The heart of the project is to solve these problems and apply groundbreaking methodology for efficient retrieval images on the basis of their content (CBIR) and embedding them in a relational database management system.

Person responsible for scientific management of the project

Prof. Leszek Rutkowski

Częstochowa University of Technology...more

Prof. Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy

Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Geneva... more